Imam Hussein(as) Blood Donation | GAA

Imam Hussein(as) Blood Donation
The Glasgow Ahlulbayt Association in collaboration with Islamic Unity Society (IUS) and The Scottish National Blood Transfusion Service (SNBTS) are once again helping to facillitate The Imam Hussain (as) Blood Donation Campaign.
We have organised two sessions dependent on preference in Glasgow (9th and 16th of November) for people to book in order to avoid the queues! If you know you cannot donate based on travel criteria then still get in touch and we will see if your eligible for a MAT test also carried out at the blood centre in Nelson Mandela Place.
Please click the link below to signup or email/Facebook us!
Sign up and spread the word! giveblood/where-to-donate/ glasgow-2-2/Also check out this promotional video! Back Give Blood Back Give Blood
May Allah (The Most High) glorify all your deeds!