
Muharram Program 2014 | GAA

Muharram Program 2014

In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Kind

Peace be upon you

As you all know, Muharram is approaching and we wish to invite you all to this years Muharram program. Beginning Saturday 25th October we are very honoured to have renowned academic Br Laith Al-Jaffery to present a series of talks on self-reform for five consecutive nights. The topics are as follows:

Night 1 The need for self-reform: Concepts and Approaches

Night 2 Exploring the role of Satan and the Self

Night 3 The role of observing Allah SWT in Self Reform and Discipline

Night 4 Hyprocrisy: Defnition, Effects and Harms

Night 5 Egoism and Narcissism: Definition, Effects and Harms

These talks promise to be insightful and very apt for this month of reflection so please come along and share the experience.

Saturday 25th October @ 6.45pm

The Ahlul Bait Society, 25 Woodside Place, G3 7QL

Over the last five nights of Ashura, the GAA will host some of its own discussion circles and workshops, details to be confirmed soon.

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask.

Best wishes



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