
Ramadan Program | GAA

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Ramadan Program

In The Name of Allah The Most Merciful The Most Kind

May the month of Ramadan come to you with blessing and forgiveness.

The GAA is delighted to announce its Ramadhan program for 2015/1436!

Following on from last years physical health theme we move onto the theme of mental health. We are going to tackle key topics such as Depression, Stress and strategies/facilities to help support us. The talks will be provided from professional scholars, community workers and psychologists supplemented with Quran recitation and reflection and more. We will also be continuing our fundraising for LFT food parcel appeal. Please find details below for this Saturday.

[Week 1]
Topic: Mental Health Then & Now? History of mental Health inc context of Muslim community

Speaker: Shaykh Abdul Aziz Ahmed


Each program will take place each Saturday 8-10pm(reminder of exact time will be sent prior event) at 25 Woodside Place Library Room. Please inform others and make sure you dont miss out!

Iftar will be available should people wish to stay in centre after program finishes.

Ramadhan Kareem to you all and may we all absorb the rahma that this Holy month has to offer inshaAllah.

If you have any questions/queries and want to get in touch you can emailĀ glasgowaa@gmail.com

Kind regards

Glasgow Ahlul-Bayt Association

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